Title: Lucy Lauren - Racing Stables Discipline - G
Description: Bare buttocks bouncing and rippling, Lucy Lauren can't hold still as Zoe Page uses a leather tawse to punish her for riding a valuable racehorse in Racing Stables Discipline. Lucy can't hold still, so Zoe switches between spanking and using the strap, delivering a memorablem loud, fast and furious punishment that turns Lucy's bare bottom crimson. Awesome slow motion spanking and strapping replay!
Format: MP4 Duration: 8 Min Size: 229 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Title: Jana, Katie Didit, Sarah Stern - Nasty punishment for Janna
Description: Jana is very upset, she is always being punished by madam but now she will get her own back. She intends to piss in Sarah's café and then watch her drink it. It does not work out quite like that and she ends up being beaten with a wooden paddle, birched, this is a new and very painful experience for her and then caned over the punishment bench. A dirty hard film with this lovely lady in a very rare appearance.
Format: MP4 Duration: 20 Min Size: 718 Mb Resolution: 1920x1080
Description: It's real fun having a maid, especially the punishing them bit. I am fortunate with my present maid she loves to be spanked and disciplined so I take advantage. I decided to cane her but told her I did not know much about how to do it, she offered to cane me to show me, I let her. Then it was my turn to cane her lovely bottom and you can guess what a whacking she got. Loads of real hard strokes from my very strong arm.
Format: MP4 Duration: 13 Min Size: 201 Mb Resolution: 960x576