Title: Lucy Lauren - Racing Stables Discipline - J
Description: No amount of protesting will stop boss Zoe Page delivering a blistering spanking to stable groom Lucy Lauren's bouncing bare bottom! It's Lucy's day off, but Zoe is a hard taskmaster and demands that Lucy shouts out 'I deserve a spanking' over and over while her bottom is being reddened in Racing Stables Discipline. It's memorable, spectacular, fast and furious, as a spanking should be!
Format: MP4 Duration: 12 Min Size: 349 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Title: Suzanne Smart, Sarah Stern - Caned in Spain UNLADYLIKE MANOR
Description: The last in the new series of Unladylike Manor sees lady Susan & Mr. Stern confronted by the nasty wife. She is determined to take her revenge for the stealing of her beloved pooch Noah and blames Lady Sue. When she is in this sort of mood the only thing to do is submit, so Mr. Stern makes himself scarce whilst Lady Sue is dragged off the bed and bent over for a long and fierce caning on her bare bottom.
Format: MP4 Duration: 11 Min Size: 973 Mb Resolution: 1920x1080
Description: Testing the effectiveness of corporal punishment, Belinda Lawson and Helen Stephens suggest they spank each other, to compare with Earl Grey's spanking! First, it's Belinda's turn to put Helen's bouncing bare bottom over her knee and see how difficult it is to give a proper spanking. Earl has to tell her to spank harder, of course!
Format: MP4 Duration: 10 Min Size: 299 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: In the final test of her corporal punishment research at The Institute, pert beauty Helen Stephens feels the burn of leather across her bare buttocks as she lies flat, totally nude, on Earl Grey's office desk to be strapped. Bun-bouncing slow-motion replays show the force of the two-tailed tawse as it bites into her bottom. Reaction Cam means you don't miss a moment of her last punishment. Belinda watches nervously, as she's next!
Format: MP4 Duration: 14 Min Size: 401 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: Many of you asked if Fatima or Nike would ever appear in our films again. Well, I have been able to talk Nike into forgetting the torments of the shooting sessions and challenging her luck: let's go for the Wheel of Pain. Pervert and I will take turns in the execution of the punishments and we won't spare her. Nike called in sick at her workplace and we will return to the black studio to see how many rounds Nike, who hasn't become more serious since we last met, can endure. )
Format: MP4 Duration: 15 Min Size: 1109 Mb Resolution: 1920x1080