Title: Tindra Frost, Sarah Stern - Tindra Caned at St. Justs
Description: The new mistress has risked bringing the good name of S. Justs Academy into disrepute and this cant be tolerated. I have decided that in addition to the school paddle being used on her bottom she should take a severe lesson with an application of the cane. As she bends over the caning bench she certainly starts to regret her actions and as the first stroke lands she feels the pain
Format: MP4 Duration: 9 Min Size: 315 Mb Resolution: 1920x1080
Description: Someone has to test the effect of a wooden paddle as corporal punishment for students! Who better than bootylicious Belinda Lawson, hoisted onto Helen Stephens' back for a blistering spanking with the Board of Education. What's not to like about The Institute, as Mr Johnson goes to work on Belinda, stripped totally nude for the test.ouchie!
Format: MP4 Duration: 8 Min Size: 235 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Title: Pandora Blake, Amelia Jane Rutherford - The lost K9 and the police woman
Description: Amelia is supposed to be looking after her friend's pet but she lost it, well she did not like the thing! Police woman Blake returned the pet to the house and was not impressed by the attitude shown. She decided to take the law into her own hands and administer instant justice. She put Amelia over her uniform clad knees and gave her a real hard spanking on the bare bottom.
Format: MP4 Duration: 10 Min Size: 151 Mb Resolution: 960x576
Description: It is now time for Lulu to face the wroth of the headmistress and Aunty Katie. A double CANING is called for and it is hoped will teach this naughty young lady that she does have to behave at home and at school. Bent over the cane soon has the desired effect on her tender bare bottom.
Format: MP4 Duration: 11 Min Size: 542 Mb Resolution: 1920x1080
Description: Stacy is afraid of punishment so much. If she didn't have such a gorgeous body, Lomp might have let her go because she was crying so much. But he waited until she stopped crying instead .
Format: MP4 Duration: 14 Min Size: 1125 Mb Resolution: 3840x2160
Description: We have a great new spankee this week. April May really is an amazing young lady as you will see in this story she wanted to make. Never spanked before she jumped in at the deep end and requested that she be punished for keeping some hamsters in her rented room. No trouble she soon found herself over the knee being spanked on her trousers then on the bare bottom. A very good long hard first spanking.
Format: MP4 Duration: 12 Min Size: 468 Mb Resolution: 1920x1080