Title: My Spanking Family
Description: This Video features "Growing Pains" and "Under My Roof" and tells a complete story.
JK Howling is seen here in her first ever video, and she endures a thorough spanking to get what she wants. Her older brother (Teddy) is left in charge when their parents leave town, and he seems to have a thing for spanking, especially when it comes to tanning JK's bottom! JK wants to have a boy over so she can play around with him and she sees this as the perfect time, however Teddy feels that he's taking some big risks allowing her to have a visitor (especially a boy), so he proposes that JK take a spanking from him and she accepts the offer. Lately, JK has seemingly needed a lot of favors from Teddy, and each and every time he comes through for her, he also always proposes some outrageous (and often kinky) way for her to pay him back.
Teddy is more than happy to give JK what she wants as long as he gets what he wants, and the spanking starts out with JK in her tight black leggings and over his knee. Her brother taunts her all throughout the spanking, making the entire situation even more humiliating for her. Once Teddy is finished smacking her bottom with his hand, he then bends his sister over the bed and by now she's just wearing a tiny pair of panties. Teddy grabs some of the implements that their parents keep around to spank them when the both of them deserve corporal punishment, and seemingly he enjoys the fact that he's the one who's giving the spankings!
Keywords: hard strappings , she needs a favor , over the knee spanking , spanked by her brother , hot red buns , taunting her , thick billet strap , bare bottom spanking , split tailed strap , otk spanking , squeezing her bottom , jk howling , taboo , heating up her butt , first time on camera
Format: MP4
Duration: 41 Min
Size: 2441 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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