Hard Bondage & Torture Video Clips Vol.2

About video: It takes a very bendy girl to handle a reverse prayer. Gmoras not only manages it with ease, but does so under the constant compressing power of vetwrap. She tries her best to pull free, but with no leverage and a seemingly iron grip there's no hope of escape. Strict bondage isn't without its rewards even though Gmoras would argue it's a reward enough. A magic wand is held in place with more vetwrap, keeping her well distracted from the tight prayer her arms are compressed into.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:59
File Size : 157Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Teetering on the ledge, Hannah carefully tries to struggle to get out of her bonds. She knows this is just the beginning, and her situation is only going to get stricter. The belts around her body hold her tight while her ankles are held in the air. With no leverage, it's a losing battle. When her arms are pulled up into a strappado, Hannah pleads through the drool flowing from her mouth. As she continues to struggle, I sit back on the couch and enjoy the view. Who needs a TV when you have live show?

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:11:35
File Size : 192Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: At first glance, Hannah was sure she could find a way out of her bondage. Unfortunately for her, the chain links are wrenched tight and her prying fingers have no hope of opening them. Hannah's options dwindle further when a large ballgag is strapped tight in her mouth. Frustrated, she throws herself backwards, realizing all too late the trouble she just caused for herself. The chains around her go taut in their new position while the bar behind her stops her from twisting or sitting back up. In fact, she care barely move at all and is cursing herself.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:34
File Size : 209Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: After my last maid quit, the long process of finding a suitable new girl began. Luckily for me, Hannah was more than willing to try out despite my less than conventional job requirements. I knew she would be a great addition to the staff when her elbows easily touched in her armbinder. She made her job look easy, so I stepped it up a bit for her next task. After adding a few belts I put her in the cage to fold clothes. Barely able to move inside the cage, she couldn't really do her job. That didn't matter though, because I had decided to hire her on the spot. It was hard to tell what she was saying behind her gag, but she seemed very excited when I told her the news. Especially when I told her she'd be spending the next 8 hours in the cage.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:15:47
File Size : 262Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: From her fists to her shoulders, Hannah knew she wouldn't be be squirming out of this one. The pink vetwrap layered over her arms was doing its job, pressing her elbows firmly together. The multiple layers can't separate even a millimeter, and constantly remind her of her helplessness. As she protests to be let out, her mouth is soon stuffed with cloth and her head wrapped in more layers of vetwrap. Desperate to get free, she does her best to struggle, all the while having to be careful she doesn't fall from her cage. One she'll be returned to soon.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:39
File Size : 153Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Fresh from the woodshop, my new magnetic stocks were ready for the first test. Luckily for Hannah, she gets to be the first to make sure they work. Once the multiple neodymium magnets connected, she was stuck. Without leverage, she wouldn't be able to get out without help. As a backup, the stocks have holes pre-drilled for attachment rings. They not only ensure there is no way to separate them, the rings ensure that Hannah doesn't wander off. Adding a couple ropes to spread her feet apart, Hannah is forced to keep on her toes while the stocks are chained above. While struggling in her predicament the magic wand makes for a pleasant distraction as she's edged to a much-deserved orgasm.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:17:07
File Size : 284Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: After a very long day, Jamie was beyond exhausted, and headed to bed early. When she finally comes to the next morning she's surprised to feel her jaw ache as she tries to yawn. Reaching up to dislodge whatever is in there, she's met with the heel of a ballet boot strapped to her arms. Panic setting in, she throws the covers off only to see her feet have had the same treatment. Both pairs are handcuffed together, only fuelling her unrest. Unable to remove anything or walk in the boots, Jamie is forced to wait for the prankster to set her free.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:16:58
File Size : 282Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Almost immediately after putting ropes on her Johannie wanted out. It had all been fun and games to her when she assumed she could just wiggle free whenever she liked. Once the last few knots were tied, however, reality snapped into place. Escape wasn't going to be so easy. The large ballgag pushed into her mouth did nothing to improve her mood. She was showering me with unintelligible insults, so there was only one thing to do. Picking her up, I brought her up to the bedroom and tossed her onto the bed. It was obvious Johannie just needed a little time to cool down. Shutting the door behind me, I was confident her attitude would vastly improve in a couple of hours.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:08:17
File Size : 99Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Knowing it would be a while before her boyfriend would be home, Kajira thought it prudent to offer some incentive. The truth was that it had been ages since she felt herself in handcuffs, and she couldn't wait any longer. Ulterior motives aside, she set up the camera, removed her bra, and gagged herself nice and tight. With her escape key taped to the headboard she cuffed herself in a spreadeagle. She made sure her magicwand was stuffed inside her pantyhose. Not that she needed another reason, but it had been a while since her last orgasm as well. After accidentally knocking the key down, though, one thing became clear: Kajira will have more orgasms and bondage than she can handle for a good long while.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:09
File Size : 202Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: The proposal seems simple enough. Kajira has refused his requests to tie herself up before, but the money was just too good this time. She is told to put the key in her pantyhose and use some handcuffs to hogtie herself. She would spend a few minutes struggling for his benefit before releasing herself. How hard could sliding the key out be? If all else failed, she could just push the key through the nylons, right? So she thought. The thumb cuffs thwarted any expectation of an easy escape. As the realization of her predicament dawns on Kajira, panic soon follows. One thing is for sure: her customer is in for an extra long show.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:13:59
File Size : 233Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: The great thing about being a newbie to bondage is everything is new and exciting. Kaylee had heard plenty of good reviews of the magic wand, but had never had the chance to try it out herself. I could toss her one and let her loose, but where's the fun in that? Bolting her to the floor with her arms chained apart forcing her to hold her weight seems much more fun. With the wand bolted firmly between her legs, Kaylee is in for quite a ride. Letting her stew a bit I click the wand on low; her expression is one of shock and instant gratification. After mere seconds it's obvious she is hooked. It not a question of if she will orgasm, but how many times.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:15:34
File Size : 258Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Belts cover Kaylee's body, holding her tight to the wooden pole. She tries to figure out what’s next, the anticipation killing her. She doesn't have to wait long to find out. With her hair tied above her, the heels come off, leaving her on her toes. Kaylee can't even relax a tiny bit without something in her binds reminding her it's a bad idea. Drool now flows freely from her mouth as she's given up all hope of preventing it. When the magicwand is finally introduced, she's got nothing left. Her will to resist is long shattered and all that’s left are endless orgasms.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:15:11
File Size : 252Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Another bondage newbie pays us a visit, but Kaylee has special skills. The ability to pick locks can come in pretty handy, so I thought I'd put her to the test. Armed with only a paper clip, I wanted to find out whether she could escape a pair of handcuffs. Not wishing to make things easy for her, I nestled her up to a pole and hogcuffed her to it. The uncomfortable position with her hands behind her back would certainly make it a challenge, but that wasn't all. An insect hood and posture collar were added because, well, why not? Nervous, Kaylee fidgets as she struggles to escape. A million thoughts race through her head. How long will I keep her like this if she can't get free? Am I even there?

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:14:32
File Size : 241Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Bound for her first time ever, Kaylee finds herself tied to an iron pole which nestles between her legs. Her wrists seem to float in front of her as they are bound to her toes, her collar leaving no comfortable position. Once a gag is strapped into her mouth it doesn't take long for the drool to flow. Nervous about what to expect to begin with, she was in neck deep now, especially with the thick collar she now found herself wearing. She tries her best to paw at the ropes for some sort of release, but pulling in one direction only causes discomfort in another. I'm sure she'll get used to it.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:14:25
File Size : 240Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: After receiving an amazing padded horse, I was left a dilemma: it needed to be broken in properly. Lucky for me, Khristall needed a place to try and escape her straitjacket. With her legs frogtied as well, it's a bit of a drop if she wants to get away. A gas-mask is put over her ballgag, making her struggles a bit more labored. To her dismay, however, the latex proves to be surprisingly strong, as does the furniture beneath her. I'm sure it won't take more than a few hours to break it in; Khristall won't mind...

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:16:27
File Size : 273Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: It's not that Krystal doesn't look incredible wearing just pantyhose. It's that bondage makes everything better. So with vinyl tape in hand I set to making her look perfect. Her legs are frogtied first, with her hands taped into tight fists afterwards. There won't be any prying fingers trying to grant her any escape. More tape follows around her head, silencing any protests and ensuring the nylon on her head stays in place. Finally, several wraps are put around her elbows with more cinching it tighter. Moments later she's covered in panythose bound tight with tape. Perfection.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:10:48
File Size : 179Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: It's a given rule that anybody who sleeps in is subject to random adventures. So, when Krystal wakes up with her legs tied, hands handcuffed behind her, and gagged, she isn't surprised. Making her way off the bed, she looks for the key she assumes is hidden nearby. After striking out, she heads downstairs and spots it almost immediately. Dangling in the middle of the cage, it taunts her. After climbing inside she realizes she still can't reach it and will have to use more desperate measures. Little does she know she's falling for the bait and will soon have bigger problems to deal with.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:14:45
File Size : 246Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: She had looked forward to it all day, and with the weekend here it was time for some self-bondage. Liv wasn't looking for anything fancy, just the feel of restraints and maybe a few orgasms. Loving to be teased, she set up the magicwand on a random timer before handcuffing her own hands above her head. With the key in her hand she playfully struggled until the timer turned on, bringing herself right to the brink. Twice more the timer denied her a much-needed orgasm, and she decided it was time do it herself. As she was trying to find the keyhole the vibe kicked on high, causing her to jump and drop the key. Liv is no amateur and has a backup plan to get her free. Holding her handcuffs is a large turnbuckle just waiting to be turned. With her legs in a spreader bar it will take a while. That is, if she can concentrate long enough between orgasms...

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:17:23
File Size : 289Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Liv knew full well what was planned for her, waiting patiently as the zipties encircled her body. When they were all secure, she realised that she could hardly move her toes. Even her pigtails were zip tied in order to keep her head held up. She puts up a token struggle but we both know that nothing short of a miracle will get her free without help. All the while Liv keeps her eyes on the magic wand, waiting for that special moment that will make it all worthwhile. Now it's just a question of how many orgasms she should be allowed before considering her release?

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:17:14
File Size : 286Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Unlike most activities that require special gear, bondage has no rules. Almost anything can work as a restraint. With a spool of heavy gauge ball chain handy, it was short work to immobilize Lucy against the cage. Easy to cut but hard to break, Lucy doesn't stand a chance when she tries to get free of the chains. As she starts to tire from her struggles, Lucy discovers that her pantyhose are perfect for holding a magicwand on that special spot. Without any warm up, it's set to high, leaving her bursting with energy. The first of many orgasms soon follow as the thin chains hold her tight. Drool flows freely from her gagged mouth, knowing she’s there for the long haul.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:13:50
File Size : 229Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Newbie Lucy is all too excited for today's experiment, especially the bondage. Using metal strapping screwed to a chair she's rendered immobile and unable to squirm away from the wand between her legs. As usual, the experiment is simple: Lucy must resist the urge to orgasm no matter what. Starting the wand on low, she is immediately drooling and trying to squirm away. It's not looking good for her ability to resist, but we crank the duration and speed nonetheless. Results were promising at first but eventually took a turn. Before long she ran out of fingers to count her orgasms on, but as always, the experiment must run its full course.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:17:59
File Size : 298Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Before the final zipties were pulled tight, the look in Madeline’s eyes expressed that she wanted out. Until this moment, any bondage she'd been in had allowed her at least some movement. Now, from her ballet boots to her head her whole body was rigid. Scary as it was, Madeline was determined to soldier on. It didn't help her situation at all when more zipties were added over her eyes and around her neck. The magic wand made short work of any remaining anxiety she felt about her strict position.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:37
File Size : 152Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: To be honest I figured she could escape in just a few minutes. So that's what I told Madeline: that she was stuck until she escaped. Her legs were spread and locked to each end of the log and her arms belted in front. I let her struggle. I'm fairly certain she thought it would be an easy escape as well, and she was far from pleased with the turn of events. I suppose adding a hair tie and stealing away her last bit of movement wasn't nice, but nobody said it would be easy.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:09:13
File Size : 110Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: The more common questions asked by a newbie to bondage are about sex. Madeline is no exception, so I set out to show her something restrictive but very functional. Her arms and elbows are tied together first, then her legs follow with ropes secured behind her back. Instead of a frogtie her legs are free to move into any position but she is still unable to stand or move far. While the crotch rope may seem counterintuitive at first, the ropes can easily be pulled to either side while giving her wrists something to tug on. As her struggles soon proved, the tie would also leave her out of breath for her trouble.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:49
File Size : 153Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Super cute Maggie stops by this weekend for a little bondage fun. More importantly, it’s her first time in bondage ever. What better way to inaugurate her than a classic hogtie. I start her off with a trainer gag pulled tight; next comes the rope which I'm happy to see cinches her elbows together with ease. Once her legs are crossed and tied off to her chest harness, there's no going back. I tell her to try her best to get free and she makes a valiant attempt. Realization hits her quickly that these are not movie ropes; a couple of shakes don't get them off. If anything, they only reward her by pulling tighter.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:11:00
File Size : 182Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: After giving her boyfriend a call, she finds out he'll be out of town for an extra couple of weeks. To help her pass the time, he has a special request: a self-bondage video to keep him entertained. After a few simple instructions, she hesitantly decides to give it a try. It wasn't like she wouldn't have the key on her. Once secured she struggles a bit for the camera before releasing herself. Having little experience, hinged handcuffs proved to be a challenge. Especially when the keyholes are not in an ideal position. It doesn't take long before the key slips from her grasp, and what was a fun little game turns very real. Maggie's boyfriend might get a better video than he hoped for, if she doesn't kill him first.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:13:15
File Size : 220Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Merula's expression said it all. When she was told I'd have her drooling for more, this was clearly not what she had in mind. She didn't have to like the situation, but she knew to keep her protests to a minimum. She could see the piles of chain nearby and realised that her situation could only get worse. Instead, Merula put her efforts towards trying to escape, the mitts on her hands keeping them tethered behind her with her fingers unable to help. In the end, all Merula managed to do was produce a large pool of drool under her gag. If she only knew how much bigger it would become before the night was over.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:11:56
File Size : 143Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: What's the best way to get a significant other to come home from a trip early? Merula sends hers self-bondage videos as ideas to try on her. Her rigging today starts off simple enough with a crotch chain and handcuff hogtie. Squirming playfully for the camera, her only wish is that somebody is beside her to hold the keys. Eventually she decides it's time to get free, accidently knocking the key inside the cage by accident. Retrieving it in the cramped cage will certainly be more difficult. Merula doesn't know it yet, but her misfortune is just beginning.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:54
File Size : 156Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Merula was all too happy to revel in the warm hug of her straitjacket. She found the chastity belt interesting as well, until she learned the terms of her release. Unless she can escape the straitjacket, the belt is staying on for a week. Now seeing the jacket as a barrier to her future sexual release, her incentive to escape became quite clear. To no one's surprise, the heavy leather easily overpowers Merula's struggles, leaving her breathless. Drool eventually flows from her mouth as she tries to get herself free, or else it will be a long, long week

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:14:03
File Size : 233Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Merula didn't seem worried as I cinched her elbows together. I could see her fingers feeling for the knots. All but one is well out of her reach. Once everything is cinched tight, she tries for her escape immediately. In her hogtied position it's not easy to work the knots, but she tries her best. Eventually she gets it; her movement speeds up in anticipation of some new found freedom. None will come, as the rope was only a ruse. Defeated, this is not longer the simple escape she thought it would be. Panting through her gag, she tries to figure another way out, knowing she'll have plenty of time to try to do so before she's set free.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:14:11
File Size : 236Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Vetwrap on its own doesn't look very impressive. It's thin, and tears almost as easily as paper. As Merula plays with a roll, I challenge her to give it a try. Her hands are wrapped into fists first to keep her fingers from ruining the fun. Her legs already frogtied, her arms and elbows are next. Before even half a roll is used she's helpless, but that doesn't mean another couple of layers aren’t needed. After ten minutes of struggling she has no hope of escape. By this point, her heat and sweat have caused the vetwrap to become even stronger. Worse, it continues to pull her elbows tight, giving her zero relief.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:51
File Size : 213Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Wrapped tightly to a pole with heavy plastic wrap, Mesa's toes dangled a mere inch above the floor. Unable to gain any purchase on the floor, she was good and stuck. When I put the clover clamps on her tits she was ready for it. However, a bit more unexpected for her was when the nipple chain was pulled, causing her to swing on the post.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:15
File Size : 148Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: After a long day of tying Mesa up in a multitude of predicaments the place was a mess. Rope, zipties, cuffs, vibrators, you name it, they were strewn everywhere. It only seemed fitting that since Mesa was the reason for the mess, she should clean it up. Cuffed hand and foot, Mesa makes her way from room to room, cleaning up the mess from her bound adventures. The self-locking cage waits patiently for her return, to keep her safe until she's ready to play again tomorrow.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:14:56
File Size : 248Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Who needs fancy bondage hardware when there are tools all around you? When Mesa's wrists were tied together, she certainly wasn't expecting them to be tied to the front door knob. Bewildered about how easily the doorknob held her, she was really surprised when a crotchrope was applied and tied to the banister in front of her. Now forced onto her toes, more rope is applied to her legs, adding to her predicament. Her pleading look told me this wasn’t what she expected when she asked for some quiet time.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:11:05
File Size : 133Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: When Michal was bolted to the wall the intention was simply to keep her immobile. The metal strips did their job admirably. Where they were really put to the test was the introduction of the magicwand. Mix a love of bondage and a powerful vibrator and Michal was a powder keg of orgasms, primed to go off. It only took 30 seconds before the first one hit her, then several more quickly followed. This, of course, was only on low. Switching to high really sent her thrashing against the restraints. After losing count twice, the magicwand was eventually turned off. Her orgasmic aftershocks continued one by one, causing her to involuntarily twitch in her restraints.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:19:48
File Size : 328Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: After seeing an ad online for a maid position paying triple the normal rate, Monica knew there had to be a catch, but the money was too good to ignore. During her interview it was quickly explained that her role was to be a bondage maid. Nothing ventured, nothing gained was her attitude, and she figured if she couldn't take it she could just quit. Doing her best to clean while wearing an armbinder with her legs tied together, Monica is soon told she’s got the job. To her immediate dismay she's also told that her eight hour shift starts immediately, leaving her to clean the rest of the house in her bondage. Her gagged protests for release fall on deaf ears.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:19:49
File Size : 329Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: After cutting a few contractor bags into strips, I bet Monica she couldn't get out of them. I wasn't sure who would win until I secured the find strap around her body. I think she could sense the outcome just then as well. As she pulled and struggled to get free, nothing could move, at least not for long. What little give it did have snapped back like a rubber band, exhausting her more. Unlike rope knots, these are nearly impossible to undo once they have been tied. It doesn't help her situation when they are triple knotted as well.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:23:13
File Size : 386Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: You could see the trepidation on her face as the straightjacket was strapped in place. Even when the thick collar was secured too, it was still comfortable; she could possibly even escape. This illusion quickly faded once her legs and neck were secured with heavy chains. Niki whimpered a bit behind her ballgag, knowing full well there would be more to come. She tried to get free but the leather jacket held firm while her collar reminded her to keep her balance. Just as she was finding her comfort zone, her chains were pulled tighter, forcing her onto her toes. It only takes a minute before her legs begin to quiver. Niki fights her straightjacket with renewed vigor to escape, but knows it won't come.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:14:35
File Size : 242Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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About video: Handcuffs, shackles, and chains ensure that her body is well-secured and spread open against the wall. Even her harness gag is secured, keeping her eyes locked forward. The magicwand works its magic quickly on Niki as she struggles hard against her bonds. It's not long before she succumbs to the first of many orgasms. After nearly a dozen leave her body limp and exhausted, the wand does not let up. Her time is far from over.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:56
File Size : 214Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

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