Title: Sarah's Drunken Limo Orgy
Description: Elizabeth waits up late for daughter, Sarah, who stumbles in intoxicated after spending time with friends, who are without a doubt, bad influences. After some questioning by Elizabeth, she finds out that Sarah is not only inebriated, but surly, earning her an over the knee spanking. Once the spanking gets to where Mommy Elizabeth is going to pull naughty Sarah's skirt up, she is appalled to find that Sarah is not wearing any panties!!! Further questioning reveals that Sarah "lost" her panties during a limo-party-turned orgy! Her group of guilty friends include the bad influences of Adriana and Mackenzie, who Sarah has a limo "threesome" with, and then, to make this all the more tawdry, Sarah explains that Adriana had a boy of hers there, too, who joined in on the fun, keeping Sarah's panties as a souvenir. Elizabeth is mortified and hand spanks Sarah on the bare bottom and then, to further drive her point home, with the dreaded hairbrush. Sarah learns her lesson the hard way and will be grounded for the foreseeable future, as well as being forbidden to see Adriana anymore.
Format: MP4
Duration: 12 Min
Size: 441 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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