Title: Amelia Rutherford - Princess Punishment H/12 strokes of the cane, bare bottom, makes Amelia Rutherford sore and sorry
Description: About to marry into a Royal dynasty, Amelia Rutherford is rumbled when another media explosion happens in Princess Punishment. Royal disciplinarian Philip Johnson uses a rattan cane on her bare bottom:12 strokes will deliver results and stripe her buttocks as a reminder. Full Reaction Cam replay shows every moment, in her wedding underwear!
Format: MP4 Duration: 11 Min Size: 320 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: Earl Grey thinks he has the measure of dishonest employee Helen Stephens, sent to Reform Academy for fiddling her expenses. But she cannot resist goading him, even snatching the ping pong paddle he's using! Her gym shorts and panties come down for a spanking and paddling to remember. Hot Reaction Cam shots. "It stung!" she admits.
Format: MP4 Duration: 10 Min Size: 286 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Title: Helen Stephens - Reform Academy DZH/Helen Stephens takes a Reform Academy strapping on leggings and bare bottom
Description: Kneeling on a low bench, bottom in the air, stunning Helen Stephens grits her teeth as Earl Grey uses a leather tawse on her bottom, protected only by skintight leggings. Not happy with her attitude, he orders her to lie flat on his desk, bottom bare for more lashes with his strap. But she can't control her mouth, earning extras. Awesome Reaction Cam!
Format: MP4 Duration: 8 Min Size: 250 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: Danny decides that there is no reason that he should further hurt his hand so he goes to get an implement. He returns with the heavy leather strap on a handle, and lays Allison the bed for the strapping of her life. After she is properly disciplined, she examines her poor bruised bottom in the mirror, undresses and gets ready for bed.
Format: RM Duration: 4 Min Size: 40 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: Abigail was supposed to clean the kitchen before the end of the day when her friend Allison came over. Betty tells Allison to wait in the living room while she deals with Abigail. Betty straps Abigail on the jeans and on the bare, she then lets the girls go hang out together.
Format: RM Duration: 5 Min Size: 55 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: Syrena, Lila, Ivy and Roxie are asked about the paddling they received earlier in the day. They are then instructed to remove their clothes and have a seat. Syrena is asked about her past, and her spanking experiences growing up. She is then spanked OTK by Lila, Ivy and Roxie. She then chooses a strap and is given a hard spanking by Mr. M.
Format: RM Duration: 14 Min Size: 152 Mb Resolution: 1280x720