Title: Brooke Strapped for Taking Mr. M's Phone Charger
Description: Mr. M returns with a belt to properly bring home the point of being responsible and taking care of personal belongings. Brooke is spanked with the belt on her bare bottom and told to stay there until Mr. M tell her she can move.
Format: RM Duration: 4 Min Size: 40 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: DW Studios are to present the beautiful and submissive Marie! Marie just cannot keep her opinions to herself. Maris absolutely loves to talk! And the more Maria talks, the more Maria talks...the more trouble she gets in! Maria is just a bad girl and the only remedy to this is to spank her and hopefully Maria will learn an important lesson!
Format: MP4 Duration: 22 Min Size: 657 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: Nurse Leia was given the order to give Mr. Brown a bed bath but Mr. Brown being a spanker couldn't resist giving her delightfull bottom a few playfull smacks. Leia stormed out without giving him his bed bath. Dr. Johnson heard about it and he marched Leia back to Mr. Brown's room and gave her a good spanking across his knee and a good birching bent over the table in front of Mr. Brown to change her attitude.
Format: MP4 Duration: 16 Min Size: 185 Mb Resolution: 900x540
Description: Goddess Jenilee loves to experiment with her slaves and in this session, she decides to pull out her urethral sounds and plunge them deep down inside his cock. Before that, she plugs the slave to add to his humiliation, and after the sounding, she fucks his ass hard with a variety of anal beads. The slave needs to be ready at all times to receive her spit too, so an open mouth on command is compulsory in Goddess Jenilee's presence!
Format: MP4 Duration: 18 Min Size: 459 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: Ms. Burns asks for Claire's homework and finds out that she does not have it done. Ms. Burns then brings Claire up to the front of the classroom and gives her a hard strapping on her bare bottom with a leather paddle then sends her back to her seat.
Format: RM Duration: 6 Min Size: 64 Mb Resolution: 640x480
Description: Stella cannot seem to make it to class on time, so she is sent to wait for the Dean in a nearby classroom. She is told to lay over a stool, bottom bared, as The Dean hand spanks her to tears. Seeing as this is a repeat infraction, he decides to retrieve a strap.
Format: MP4 Duration: 4 Min Size: 83 Mb Resolution: 1920x1080
Description: I was in trouble with Mr. M for a real infraction. He felt the infraction was severe enough to warrant a long spanking strapped down to the spanking bench. My ass was red and bruised after the carpet beater, a few leather straps, the crop, paddle and cane.
Format: RM Duration: 30 Min Size: 538 Mb Resolution: 640x480
Title: Riley Strapped for Not Completing Her Chores
Description: Riley is brought inside from lounging out by the pool to discuss her lack of responsibility around the house. Mr. M reminds her she does not live at a resort, and that she still must finish her chores before she can go and hang out by the pool. She is then bent over and strapped on the bare bottom.
Format: RM Duration: 2 Min Size: 23 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: Miss Blake receives a call that Harlan has been caught drinking at a friend's birthday party. Miss Blake wastes no time when Harlan walks in the door. Harlan is taken over her knee and spanked long and hard with her hand, until someone comes to the door. Harlan is sent to her room to wait for further punishment.
Format: RM Duration: 7 Min Size: 76 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Title: Six of the best with a springy cane for Helen Stephens, held on Belinda's back
Description: Hoisted on Belinda Lawson's back, wrists held tight, Helen Stephens feels Earl Grey's cane across her tight denim shorts. Six of the best for complaining about an earlier punishment, but still Helen can't keep her mouth shut and earns an extra six strokes. Classic Reaction Cam and slow-motion replays from Reform Academy. To be continued.
Format: MP4 Duration: 5 Min Size: 143 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: Monica was suspended from school and Mr. M has to go and pick her up. He is furious as they get out of the car and decides to start her punishment immediately. He bends her over in the backyard, removes his heavy leather belt, and proceeds to blister her bottom. He then bares her butt and leaves her on display with her pants down for the neighbors to see. ***Very Real Southern Style Discipline***
Format: RM Duration: 3 Min Size: 40 Mb Resolution: 1280x720
Description: asmine is brought in to Mrs. Burns's office to discuss her poor work habits. In exchange for keeping her job, Jasmine is punished with a hard strapping.
Format: RM Duration: 11 Min Size: 117 Mb Resolution: 640x480