Exclusive spanking.Beat in the ass, anything! {Update}

Title: Ashley Lane - Spanked before Dinner

Ashley Lane is digging through the refrigerator, panicking when she realizes she has nothing to prepare dinner. Her man comes home expecting A delicious dinner ready to be served. She has pulled straight across his knee, and a skintight sheer cotton dress. Her pretty cheeks are some dancing and glowing underneath the sheer fabric. He pulls her dress up to thoroughly spank her pretty round cheeks over his lap.

Format: MP4
Duration: 8 Min
Size: 244 Mb
Resolution: 1280x720

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Title: Totally nude strapping for Belinda Lawson and Helen Stephens, up on tiptoe!

Two stunning ladies are ordered to strip naked and hold each other up on their back to be strapped in Reform Academy. Earl Grey swings a mean, stinging leather tawse across their quivering bare bottoms as they take turns hoisted up on tiptoe, helplessly nude, yelling out the strokes as their bare breasts bounce. Hot Reaction Cam replay!

Format: MP4
Duration: 11 Min
Size: 327 Mb
Resolution: 1280x720

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