Title: Lana Miller, Snow Mercy, Sarah Gregory, Veronica Ricci, Paris Kennedy, Phoenix Askani, Christy Cutie, Katherine St. James, Riley Moore, Ginger S, Edanya, Koko Kitten, Kymberly Jane, Porcelain Ass, Cami - Exclusive Education 07
Description: Principal Miller is anxious to have Ms. Snow come to her office right away. When the teacher does visit the principal, she finds her spanking a naughty student. And while Ms. Snow is away, her class is acting up. When she returns, Ms. Snow, along with her teacher's assistant Sarah Gregory, spank all of the girls with hand and hairbrush and then the naughtiest girl with a cane. Principal Miller then decides to discipline the teacher. And then Ms. Snow gets her spanking revenge on the Principal's assistant (Kay Richards) along with students Veronica Ricci and Cami Smalls. An epic spanking story with 15 models and nearly 2 hours of spanking.
Format: MP4
Duration: 9 Min
Size: 75 Mb
Resolution: 720x406
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