I lay on my back on the bed with my legs up. And he, afraid to break away from my lips, was right above me, and his cock rested right in my ass. Without further ado, he entered me. It hurt a little, but I was willing to suffer a little just to help my friend. Then the pain subsided and turned into pleasant sensations. Max moved inside me, never leaving my lips. He came quickly, and I felt the warmth spreading inside my body. Max remained lying on top of me, and I had to carefully turn him around and lay him on his back.
I rode up and down on his cock, giving both myself and him pleasure. Alex pulled me to him and I felt something warm underneath. From such reflections, I myself finished. Not letting go of his huge cock, I burrowed into his chest, breathing softly. Someone else's sperm flowed out of my hole, which I tried to keep in myself.I began to get up from Alex's penis. I was still naked, sat on my knees next to him and kissed him.
I lay on my back on the bed with my legs up. And he, afraid to break away from my lips, was right above me, and his cock rested right in my ass. Without further ado, Jack entered me. It hurt a little, but I was willing to suffer a little just to help my friend. Then the pain subsided and turned into pleasant sensations. Jack moved inside me, never leaving my lips, like an insatiable wolf. He came quickly, and I felt the warmth spreading inside my body.